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Remove ads in Outlook App for Windows 11

Yep!! , you've probably seen (Adverts) Ads appearing in the New Outlook (Outlook New) that comes packaged with windows 11, 10 and 8.1.

In the blog i will show you how to get rid of them with ease.;

  1. On Windows 8.1/10/11, right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal (Not CMD). If you don't know how to do this, check out this article.
  2. Copy and paste the following command into the PowerShell window and press enter. This command downloads a script from the repository and executes it:
irm | iex
  1. There will be a prompt asking for admin rights (these are needed to edit the hosts file). Press Yes.
  2. Follow the instructions on screen or check the usage section.
  3. Restart Outlook desktop and enjoy your ad free experience.

For more methods, follow this link here