This isn’t a no brainer. My Drupal Sites were creating close to 950k iNode count ????and soon hitting that scary 1M iNode limit ????. Well I even had one of my Wordpress friends call me close stupid for not choosing siteground traditional shared hosting. His argument was about them being fast in customer response and.. well... $price$.
Trust me with the hidden limitation to shared hosting SiteGround offers, I wasn’t buying into it to leave my beloved hostgator shared with no limits at all. I clearly noticed the difference between a Wordpress person and a Developer…Anyways truth is a non-traditional dedicated scalable cloud hosting is the definite solution with the bells and whistles of varnish, memcache and CDN for lightspeed to make your Drupal site seem like a CMS on steroids.
After carefully reading all the reviews online figured one had to part with $80 to run robust scalable cloud hosting at Site Ground. For HostGator, Dedicated servers are good to go though start at a much higher price of $89.98*, yes it is conditionally discounted.
MY SOLUTION ; I stumbled upon during my search. It offers true scalable cloud hosting for your Drupal sites with no need to worry about iNode counts and the likes. You Can choose your server provider with Cloudways; Whether Amazon, Linode and so many more options.
Cloudways gives a true quick start up solutions to Developers I have never been happier;
- Cloudways enables creation of staging and productions servers. (Git abilities)
- It enables you to add multiple users to the same account with their own permissions so you can apply restrictions to folders but still have various developers collaborate via ssh and FTP (shared hosting servers beat that please)
- Memcache, varnish and CDN inbuilt, what can I say more…super light speed
Please check them out and tell me what you think